GradTastic™ at SeaWorld® logo

Three Dates Available

Saturday, September 17 | Saturday, October 15 | Saturday, November 19, 2022

Find Out how We Create Memories!

Take advantage of our 20+ years of
experience with over 1 million satisfied
graduation guests.

Sponsor and One Guest
Apply on line or Call Us Today

A preview is a chance to come to SeaWorld® and “preview” the park as well as the staff who will be a part of your booking a Gradtastic evening with your students to get you more comfortable with your decisions

We’re excited to fill you in on the most fun and memorable event of the year!

Who: Previews are for the “Sponsor” in charge of the 8th grad graduation celebration.

What: Preview Gradtastic at SeaWorld before you come.

Why: This will make you more comfortable and knowledgable about the event and the venue.

Where: SeaWorld Orlando September 17, October 15 or November 18, 2022.

How: Send in the “Preview” application.

There is No Fee for the Preview at SeaWorld®

Includes: 2 adult admission tickets per school.

Arrival Timing: You, the teacher/sponsor and adult friend, will need to arrive at SeaWorld on the Saturday morning of choice by 9:45 am for check-in.

Preview Starts: At 10 am promptly.

Your Preview Itinerary

Our staff will take you for a walk around the park and have a question answer session.

Enjoy the Park: After the walk around you will be released into the SeaWorld park to enjoy for the rest of the day.

Meal Voucher: For use during the day— is the same as meal voucher given to student groups for Gradtastic so the teachers use and experience. Valid for one entrée and one regular beverage.

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